
Thursday, November 27


"nothing can bring greater joy to a father than his child/children…"
the first time I heard that phrase, I thought it was far from the truth…
I heard that long ago from a movie, I forgot the movie but I committed that phrase to memory.
I had been faced with the situation of loosing a loved one. I was about to be a father. I was excited but the would be mother went too much on celebrating and we ended up with a miscarriage. I thought to myself, if I had a child, my mind would be at peace… it would be a chance to think and act for someone else rather than myself. that situation proved that phrase to be true.
I am, what you may call, a big disappointment. I’ve been in college for three years now, but ’till today, I’m still a freshman. my father told me to get my priorities straight. yes, I am a disappointment, but my father loves me. I can’t explain to you the smile he has when I do something right. again, proving the phrase true.
"nothing can hurt a child more than the father…"
I heard that phrase from my girlfriend… just a few moments ago.
my girlfriend is somewhat in trouble these days. for one thing, her grades are getting low. and she has a 40% chance that she’ll be deliberated and found wanting. her father doesn’t forget these kinds of things so easily. right now,she says, that her father barely talks to her. they barely even make eye contact. and that hurts her. proving this phrase true.
I know someone that told his daughter " I can forget you."( now this part is contradicting the first phrase) his daughter is hurt and scared of doing what she wants. she’s even to scared to pursue the profession that she wants. thus making this phrase not only true but lacking. we should ad fear to the phrase.
"I can forget you."
can he??? can he just forget his first born? could he just disown his daughter and forget about her?
If I had a say in this, I would probably be ranting. It’s not right. it’s impossible. a father’s joy are his children. the father gets mad, gets owned by the moment, but no father can turn his back on his children. if he does, I don’t think he’s worthy to be called father. a father is the pillar of the family. and if he turns away, he’s just another sperm donor.
but what about what hurts the father?
really, should we talk about that???
"I will not bury my son… my son will bury me!"-john Q
what hurts a real father is loosing his child… I’ve been hurt as a father. and probably be hurt again. but there is no reason for a father to forget his children. if that happens, he’s just the man from whence the sperm came from.